We are gradually converting information from this website into E-books in an effort to make the content available in a more practical format to use while traveling. The first E-book, entitled
Naked Places, North America, was released in January 2013 and the second E-book, entitled
Naked Places, Spain & Portugal, was released in May 2014. Both books are available exclusively through Amazon.com, and both books are updated as we become aware of changes. In other words, if you purchase either of the books that are currently available, you will get the latest available version, not the book as it appeared when originally released. Furthermore, when you purchase an E-book, you can keep it up to date (for no additional charge) by using the Manage Your Kindle page on Amazon.com, so you will always have access to the latest available version of a book until it get replaced by a completely overhauled edition (and we don't plan to do that more than once every four or five years for a particular title). We plan to release several more guides in the next few years, so stay tuned!
The E-book format is a useful auxiliary to this website because all the information about a particular part of the world is at your fingertips, with no need for an internet connection. Just take it with you on your travels. Also, remember that E-book viewing is not limited just to E-readers. You can
download a FREE Kindle application from Amazon.com that will allow you to view E-books in color on any kind of personal computing device: desktop, notebook, tablet… even a smartphone.